Keto BHB ™

Keto BHB is a Brand-New “10 Second Ritual” That Supports Enhanced Wellbeing and Burning Capabilities!

A private message from Stacey…

Attention Women Age 40+: Accelerate & Super Charge Your Results Within Weeks With A Brand-New “10 Second Ritual” That Supports Enhanced  Loss, Wellbeing and Fat Burning Capabilities!

Read this message carefully because this is the ONLY time you will see this rare opportunity…

To all the ladies out there who strugglw with loss,

Today marks a milestone in your life. One day soon, you’ll look back on this as the day you took action and put yourself on the path to radically improving your health, confidence and body shape.

Before we go into the specifics about the daily 30-second ritual, I want to share with you how it all started.

You may wonder why it’s gotten harder to lose fat around your midsection over the years…

Well, I’m here today to help you understand why…

And also show you how other middle aged women across America have finally shed the pounds…

Middle aged moms and career women are getting back to the sizes they wore in college…

While still occasionally eating foods they love…

And without an extreme exercise plan.

All because my company found a way to help them reach a healthy without harsh diets or vigorous exercise…

So that they can have more energy to play with their kids and grandkids…

Be active again with physical activities like hiking or dancing…

Enjoy a healthy romantic life…

And live to the fullest.


I’m Jessica Terry and I’ve partnered with Aktiv Formulations on a formula that helps support a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and exercise.

You may not know who I am because I’m not some famous celebrity…

But after I lost 43 pounds and actually enjoyed the journey without starving myself or feeling miserable…

That I felt the need to come out of the shadows and tell you about this new way to melt pounds off your midsection.

You may be one of the millions who want to support a healthy lifestyle, look great, and make people turn heads like they used to when you walked in the door.

But I can’t promise that we won’t run out of stock when other folks see this video.

Because this supplement has been popular with middle-aged women who have kids or work a lot…

They don’t have a lot of extra time for themselves…

So this supplement has helped reduce the burden of loss for them.

And that’s why I want to give you the opportunity today to grab your supply before the current stock sells out.

Because handfuls of women have tried the product and shown positive results…

It’s worked so well for real women like Sarah G, who said this solution helps release her fat stores…

She lost 10 pounds in one month.

And for women like Jane, who couldn’t lose  even after she added exercise.

Then she tried this formula…

She finally lost  and also feels great now with mental clarity.

So continue to watch this video to learn how you too can support a healthy lifestyle with more mental clarity, joy, peace of mind…
And most importantly… you’ll be able to lose those pesky pounds around your midsection so you look good, have more energy, and feel attractive again.

But I’m not talking about any extreme diets here…

This isn’t intermittent fasting, low fat, low carb, Aktins diet, or  Watchers…

You may have tried those before and been disappointed with their results.

Many people try out this formula and finally melt the stubborn pounds…

After they have already tried all the other diets and plans out there.

They find that those diets aren’t sustainable.

And they don’t enjoy them, either.

I believe that a healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable…

And millions of women around the world agree with me on that.

Before I Reveal The All-Natural, Explosively Powerful and Completely Safe Fat Burning Formula, You Just Need To Know…

This formula works so well because it helps your body get into a ketogenic state.

As you may know, a ketogenic state in the body can lead to  loss as the body burns fat stores instead of glycogen…

When you eat more carbs and sugar, your body burns glycogen for energy.

Studies have shown that you need 0.5 mm levels of the BHB chemical to officially reach a state of ketosis and burn fat for energy instead.[1]

That means you can support a healthy  and lifestyle when you consume enough of the BHB chemical.

And it’s a chemical that your body produces naturally when you cut out enough carbs…

So there are no drugs, artificial additives… no weird stuff.

This all started because my company saw a need for folks who struggled to lose 

And saw how much it was negatively affecting their health and quality of life.

Because when you have an extra 50 pounds or so…

It’s harder to move around…

It’s tough on your joints…

You can’t play with your kids and grandkids like you used to…

You don’t feel as attractive…

Many people’s romantic life begins to suffer.

Add on all those years in the office…

Or taking care of your kids…

And you feel like you don’t have enough time for yourself.

You may not even feel like yourself anymore.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look and feel like you did in your 20s and 30s…

And many women have achieved this by burning fat in a ketogenic state.

Why am I helping women with loss now?

Well, in a modern hectic world where you have to balance your career, your family life, and your own wants and needs…

It’s hard to keep the pounds off… especially as your hormones change in your 40s and 50s and beyond.

Female Speaker

That’s why Aktiv Formulations created the Keto BHB supplement…

And to get results, all you have to do is take 2 capsules per day before breakfast… and again before dinner.

Take a few capsules per day to support your healthy lifestyle…

Combine Keto BHB with a balanced diet and exercise…

And watch the supplement help you melt off fat that you may have been struggling with for years…

Join the millions of women who are free from the struggle of yo-yo diets…

Free from pills that don’t work…

And free from feeling like they have to starve themselves or spend hours in the gym.

With KetoBHB, you can lose  without feeling weak and hungry all the time

So now I’m sharing this formula with as many people as possible…

Because I know how much it can help your confidence when you look and feel healthy again.

To walk in a room and know that you are the best version of yourself you can be…

To get compliments from other women who ask your loss secrets…

To get extra attention from your husband or your romantic prospects…

To feel sexy and energetic like you did in your prime.

This gives you the chance to be in your prime once again.

I’ve seen it happen for so many women who tap into the fat burning power of ketosis.


That’s why I’ve made this video, so that more people get the opportunity to increase their wellbeing and live a healthy lifestyle.

It’s good for our communities when more of us look and feel great!

Better moods lead to better results at work and in our relationships.


So this is my way to give back to all the hard working women out there who simply need a little boost for their metabolism.

Your body knows how to burn fat when it’s in the best fat-burning state known as ketosis.

And that’s exactly what it did for Sarah G, who lost 10 pounds in a single month.

Like I said, it’s simple:
Take 2 capsules per day before breakfast… and again before dinner.

With how inexpensive it is…

And how promising the results are…

It’s worth a shot even for the most stubborn case.

It’s why I’m getting emails like this every day from grateful and excited women:

testimonial 1testimonial 2testimonial 3

The “KetoBHB” On The Bottle Means This Formula Contains Exogenous Ketones Which Combine To Give You Extreme  Loss Capabilities


Among these ketone mineral salts are the following electrolytes…


Magnesium Beta Hydroxybutyrate is a Magnesium-bound BHB ketone that helps you maintain normal nerve and muscle function, hearth rate, healthy immune system and promotes energy production and protein synthesis.


Calcium Beta Hydroxybutyrate is a Calcium-bound BHB ketone to keeps you from loss of important micromineral that protects your bone health and carries your brain’s messages to the right body parts.


Sodium Beta Hydroxybutyrate is a Sodium-bound BHB ketone that protects you from dehydration, keeps electrolyte balance in check, contributes to proper muscle contraction and helps nerves do their work.

Now it’s time to consider giving it a try for yourself.

You have 60 days to try it out and return it for your money back if it doesn’t get you results…

So it’s practically a free product for you.

On the one hand, if it works well for you like it has for millions of others…

Then you can feel like you’re in your prime once again…

Reclaim your confidence…

Turn heads when you walk in the door…

And all of that is probably worth way more than $100 to you.

herbal medicine

On the other hand, if you take the supplement every day and don’t see results after a few weeks…

You can simply return your bottles and get your money back. So you won’t have lost anything at all.

This formula is 100% all natural, non-GMO, and completely safe…and on this private page, you can access to this health-transforming formulabefore anyone else.

KetoBHB by Aktiv Formulations is NOT available to the general public yet, for reasons I’ll share with you in a moment…

And There Are Two Reasons Why The Price On This Page Is Much Lower Than You’re Probably Expecting…

  • Reason #1: Right now I want to get KetoBHB into the hands of as many of our members as possible because we’re looking to add more success stories to this page.

But I urge you to act now, because we’re close to running out of stock, and once that happens this web page will disappear from the internet…

And the next time you see KetoBHB by Aktiv Formulations for sale, the price is likely to be double the amounton this page, or quite possibly even more.

  • Reason #2: I’m able to offer this to you at today’s amazing pricing because I’ve been able to eliminate the “middlemen” who tack on extra costs.

You see, for this special “members only” offer, I was able to partner directly with a highly respected USA supplement manufacturer so that we can ship directly to you, right away.

Those are the reasons whyI’m not going to ask for upwards of $200 per bottle, which is the amount that marketing experts told me I should charge.

In fact, because I don’t want price to stand in your way, I won’t ask you for even half of that.

Right now, on this page, you can get a one bottle, 30-day supply of KetoBHB for a simple one-time fee of just $69.

Yet before you order, you should know this: research shows it’s best to take KetoBHB consistently for at least 90 to 150 days to experience optimal results.

This is why I can also offer you an even more incredible discount if you take this opportunity to order 90 days worth of KetoBHB by Aktiv Formulations, or 150 days worth. This will save you even more money on top of today’s special low pricing.

That said, I’m only able to guarantee you this special pricing for today, or until our limited inventory runs out.

You’ll never be able to buy KetoBHB cheaper than through this private page…

And as you are reading this, if we still have bottles of KetoBHB in stock, you will see a table appear below with money-saving options for you to choose from.





Retail Price: $715

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Just remember, all risk is being removed off you shoulders.

With thousands of success stories, Aktiv Formulations Is So Confident You’ll Experience Fast, Life-Changing Results That They Not Just Promise Success…They Literally
Guarantee It.

When you try KetoBHB by Aktiv Formulations today, you’re covered by a 60 day, No Questions Asked, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Take it for a test run and remember this: you are risking nothing.

If trying out this breakthrough formula doesn’t turn out to be the best decision you’ve ever made, or if you change your mind for any reason whatsoever, just let us know anytime in the next 60 days.

We’ll refund your payment right away. Every penny. No questions asked.

There’s simply zero risk on your part. The only risk you could possibly face is the one of regret, if you miss this one-time-only opportunity to experience this life-changing formula.

You’ve got 60 days…two full months…to test drive the powerful impact this formula will have on your health, energy, appearance, relationships and self-esteem. Then decide.

You’ve Come This Far, So I Know You’re Committed To Getting The Best Results…

And this is why I urge you to claim this one-time-only opportunity to take KetoBHB by Aktiv Formulations for a test run, totally risk-free.

This means no shopping for ingredients. No guesswork. No making this difficult on yourself…

No telling yourself you “just don’t have time” to shop for ingredients and mix up a batch of herbs…

Today is the day you’re making a stand, and saying no more excuses…

And this is why, as one of our VIP members, you’re getting this chance that the general public does NOT have access to.

With a bottle of KetoBHB in your kitchen, or next to your bed, you simply take two capsules per day with a sip of water…

And you’ll enjoy all of the fat burning effects from all-natural ingredients…

Now it’s time to select your money-saving package below and experience this for yourself. Take advantage of today’s 100% risk free opportunity!





Retail Price: $715

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